Clay and Marc came over to help us, and it was fantastic! Our bedroom was the last room in the house to have carpet, and we planned to paint the hardwood floors a light grey. Clay has the same thing in his bedroom and it looks outstanding. We eventually wanted to paint the hardwood in the hall and living room to match. But when Marc pulled up the carpet, we discovered that the hardwood floors didn't actually exist in our bedroom. (We also discovered that the floor where Deter sleeps had a disgusting layer of silt and dust under it. Sick!)
The people who flipped the house before I bought it had just gutted the floors and replaced it with huge boards. Fine. Whatever. Change of plan. So we decided to do the textured linoleum like is in our bathroom.
We also decided to build a new bed, like the one Clay built for himself in his room. It's basically like a three bookshelves on their sides that make a U shape. It was so easy! We bought a few 2x12s at Lowe's and had them cut the wood to the sizes. So we didn't even need a saw. Clay brought over his drill and we screwed them all together. Here's a picture of the primed wood in the middle of the painting process. We decided to paint our bed dark brown.
We chose a dark grey for our room and decided to repaint the trim white. It looks really nice - very calming.
After the new floor was down and the walls were painted, we had to figure out how to arrange the furniture. Mia assisted with that.
Here she is giving us advice about where the bed should be. She pointed out that the way we originally have the bed facing (in this photo) was a little too crowded. We followed her advice and turned it the other way.
We haven't put everything back on the walls, so I'll put some more pictures up when it's all finished. For now, here's the finished product:
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