Despite the loss, we still had a good night out with our friends, as you can see:
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thunder Up!
Despite the loss, we still had a good night out with our friends, as you can see:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The cute and the rude
Sunday, April 25, 2010
39,370 feet
Leigh trained really hard. As he said, he trained during the race. Seriously. He had two big beers at Buffalo Wild Wings the night before. Here we are dropping him off at his staring point.
Mia finally woke up when we parked to go to Leigh's finish line. As you can see, she's super happy we got her up to walk, like, 12 blocks to a huge crowd with loud music.
And then she grabbed Leigh's nose about it:
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Cute convention
Friday, April 23, 2010
Do what you're told ... or not
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fear the beard!
Long story short: he was amazing!
Short story long: I'll tell you what happened. I worked from home this morning because my pal Mike Caton was fixing up our bathroom. Carrie Dean and I decided to have lunch. Then I heard from Michael Kimball that the Thunder would be arriving at the airport at 3:30 p.m. So then I said to Carrie, let's go see them on my lunch break. So our friend, Susanne Temple, decided she'd leave work early and meet us at the airport. The three of us would all arrive to cheer our faces off for the best NBA team ever!
Well, the bathroom repair took a turn for the worse. This sealant Mike put down made me feel awful, so I had Carrie pick me up early. We drove down to the airport and turns out, the Thunder was early! There they were, getting off the plane, and it was just me, Carrie Dean, two random ladies and two TV stations. Susanne wasn't even there yet and they were already walking across the tarmac. I called her: "Susanne, don't even worry about coming down here. They're already here. And nobody's here, so we feel really awkward. We can't even cheer because there aren't enough people - OH MY GOD - GO THUNDER! WOOOOO! GO THUNDER! WOOOOOOOOOOO! Seriously, it's really awkward and they'll be gone by the time you're here."
The Thunder just came home after two losses in Los Angeles, so they were not in the mood to walk all the way over to meet four weirdo stalkers. So we got back in the car and made a plan!
All the players were leaving through the same gate, so I asked Carrie Dean to take me over to a parking lot facing the road. We would wait there, I decided, until James Harden drove by in his amazing SUV.
"What exactly are you going to do?" Carrie Dean asked.
"I don't know!"
She suggested maybe I make a plan. Oh, the voice of reason. But there wasn't time because he drove right past us. I screamed and waved frantically with both hands like I was an old lady who just won at the bingo hall. He kind of half waved and then looked a little concerned. I'm sure he was wondering what this psycho was doing. Then I realized I was yelling inside the car. He couldn't hear me. So I jumped out of the car, forgetting my crutches, which are a little necessary. It hurt but I didn't care.
I put spaces between those words to make it easier to read. It was more than a run-on sentence. It was a run-on word.
He smiled and then pulled over. He actually pulled over! Imagine a player from any other team doing that. No way. That's why I love the Thunder so much. They're all actually nice people, unlike some NBA players. So this is how the conversation went down:
Me (frantic, breathless): "Oh my god - thank you so much! You are my absolute favorite player. Can I take a picture with you?"
James Harden (calm, normal): "No prob. Oh - what happened to you?" (points at my crutches)
Me (feeling a little like a badass): "Oh, I tore my ACL playing soccer."
James Harden (genuine, nice): "Oh shoot! Do you have to have surgery."
Me (awkward, nervous): "Yeah, later this summer."
At this point, we turn to take the picture. He puts his arm over my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist and realize that if I was any shorter, I would have put my arm accidentally around his butt. Then I really would have looked like a stalker.
Me (terrified that if I linger to long it will get even more awkward): "Thank you so much for taking a picture with me. You are my absolutely favorite."
James Harden (unfazed by my weirdness): "No problem. Get well!"
Me (awed): "Thanks!"
James Harden (acting normal): "Oh yeah - I like your shirt!"
Me (girly, giddy): "Thank you!"
That's when we parted ways - me to tell the story to every person I meet, him to go on with his life as normal.Now, if you don't know about my shirt, you must go here. The Broingtons made me fall in love with the Thunder and James Harden in particular. There's a brief moment where he does the robot and I just love it. He's awesome. And what group of NBA stars are going to make a viral video just messing around? Nobody but Kevin Durant, Jeff Green and James Harden.
So now I'm an even bigger fan because he is the nicest person ever. Seriously - so nice. I wish James Harden and I were friends. But I'm pretty sure I blew it when I started waving my hands like a weirdo. Oh well. At least I have a picture.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Pretty in pink
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lickety split
Monday, April 19, 2010
Combat crawls
We've been encouraging her to crawl, and she's been just on the border. We put toys in front of her. Her bottle. Our smiling faces. But she wasn't interested in any of that. She wanted to get her Grandma Jill's Nexium.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
House: fail
I told my boss what was happening and that I had to stay home with the repair guy. I explained the situation: our toilet is in our living room and our sink is in the yard. "Don't bring that kind of Arkansas behavior here," he told me. I told him to go back to Canada.
We'll stay with Jill tomorrow and Tuesday, and then we'll be with Clay on Wednesday. But we can't wait to be back home!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Crawl like a fish
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Bugging out
So we decided maybe she should just hang out with Grandma Peggy, which made her much happier.
Then we took Mia for a checkup. She's super healthy, as always, so that's great to hear. She tried to make a break for it at on the exam table. She loves that crinkly paper.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Don't be jealous
Monday, April 12, 2010
The good and the bad
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Beautiful shoes
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Some good news
Friday, April 9, 2010
This morning I saw Angie Waples, our goalie's wife and a PA at Southwest Orthopedic. She and a doctor felt my knee and weren't sure exactly what was going on but were hopeful it was just some bruising or something else that wouldn't require surgery. Unfortunately, an MRI revealed differently. Angie called this afternoon with the bad news. She was so kind and helpful. I'm glad I saw her rather than just some random stranger.
Leigh is my chauffeur.
I have an appointment with a surgeon at noon Monday. We'll see.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Well that didn't go well

I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out what the situation is.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The tiniest stalker
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Spooning a springbok
Monday, April 5, 2010
She's tired and she's wired
When we got home, it was about an hour before her bedtime. Was she ready? Absolutely not. I put her in her Jenny Jump Up, let her play with her music toy and fed her some food with a spoon. I thought for sure all these activities would wear her out. No way, Jose. Here's a video I took when it was an hour past her bedtime.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
North and South
I don't know if you can read it, but that sign on the garage says "Not NASA." Thank god we clarified. It's hard to tell the difference between the world's greatest space agency and a trailer in the middle of the Arkansas woods.
Then we passed a Mercedes graveyard. There were a dozen rusted old Mercedes covered in leaves behind a row of trees. We didn't make a u-turn for that one either because we were worried if we turned around every time we saw something weird, we'd never get to Eureka Springs.
We finally got to town and gave our little front carrier a try for the first time.
As usual, Mia was a total sport. The only thing she didn't like was when her hat fell too low, covering her eyes. It was kind of hard maneuvering in the bathroom when she needed a diaper change, though. I'm sure that will get better with practice. We had lunch, met up with our pal Tanya and walked through the old downtown. It was really fun! Mia survived the whole day, including two creepy encounters.
1. A very, very high hippie lady freaked out about how cute Mia is. She gave a long monologue about how important it is for people to blend together, like colors of the rainbow. She looked at Leigh and me and pointed out what features of Mia's came from each of us. I think we were the first interracial couple to go into her shop. Or maybe we were the first interracial couple to go into her shop when she was that high.
2. Some lady touched Mia's toes. I wrote a column about it here.
Here we are just before we left.
We visited and had dinner with Tanya and her family at their cabin. It was so great to see our pal from Wisconsin! We were really happy Mia got to meet her.
Friday, April 2, 2010
It's hard to get comfy
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Rabbit ears