Well, Mia browbeat us until we put her in what might be the cutest Christmas outfit ever. Here's how it went down:
Mia: "Put me in some holiday clothes. Enough of this pink nonsense."
Us: "But it's still technically November."
Mia: "I don't care. I've got the holiday spirit! Put me in some candy cane pants!"
Us: "But Thanksgiving was just the other day."
Mia: "Shut up and put me in a Santa hat, people!"
We relented.

Mia: "Put me in some holiday clothes. Enough of this pink nonsense."
Us: "But it's still technically November."
Mia: "I don't care. I've got the holiday spirit! Put me in some candy cane pants!"
Us: "But Thanksgiving was just the other day."
Mia: "Shut up and put me in a Santa hat, people!"
We relented.
Couldn't be prettier!!!