Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our life

So tonight I documented all the regular stuff we do. I guess I did this more for Mia than for myself. I want her to know how much we love being around her and how much better she makes our lives, even when we're just hanging out and not really doing anything special.

Just as a side note, Mia does not like being strapped into the cart at Walmart. So she manages to push her way out and stand up on her seat. How does this happen so quickly? How can someone with such tiny muscles be so fast? This is a picture of her being kind of mad after I strapped her back in while we were in the check-out line.

Mia has this blue Bumbo chair that she used to sit in all the time. Now she's big enough and agile enough to maneuver her way out. She spends a lot of times crawling in, out, around and over the chair. She does some pretty impressive maneuvering in the Bumbo, but she never falls and she never cries. I tried to document her amazing gymnastics:

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