This morning when Leigh dropped her off, one of her teachers, Ms. Kelly, said, "She's tiny, but she's fiesty."
Apparently Mia has been going head-to-head with a cute little boy named Troyce. Another teacher, Ms. Joanna, told me a few weeks ago that Mia and Troyce always fight over who gets to sit in the little blue chair. They knock one another out of it and take over.
I guess this culumated yesterday when Mia and Troyce were locked together, attacking. Baby fight! Ms. Kelly said it was like they were two drunks fighting outside a club. Yes!
Is this bad? Not yet, Ms. Kelly said. They're all just figuring out how to share (or not) and make friends (or not). They'll figure it out, she said. Hopefully they do before one of them gets the tiniest black eye ever.
I don't think our friend Megan Elliot knew how prophetic this shirt would be when she made it for Mia:

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