Leigh walking more without his crutches and without his boot. He's even driving! But he's still sidelined by his injured ankle. This translates to even more reading time for Mia. She loves it.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Reading with daddy
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The runaway
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A big day for Vilakazi
So we took time Saturday to have our first ever board retreat. We didn't really retreat anywhere. We actually just went to my office. Our fantastic friend, Kelli Dupuy, was our facilitator and we accomplished so much! We talked about board development, goal setting and fundraising for the next year. We've set a lofty goal for ourselves, but it's going to be so exciting when we reach it! We're going to help hundreds - hundreds! - of South African children next summer. (I hope you will all be a part of it!)
After spending all day together, we decided it would be great to spend even MORE time together. Some of our board members joined up with a few friends to play in this annual trivia night fundraiser that benefits an Oklahoma nonprofit that works to prevent teen pregnancy. (Boy, do we need this group in Oklahoma!) Our team finished FOURTH out of 48 teams! It was incredible, if not overly competitive. We also finished fourth last year. Next year we're totally winning medals. Or stealing medals. Whatever.
It might sound cliche, but Leigh and I count our blessings every day. We have the most amazing friends!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Our own little Beulah, Part 2
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Setting yet another world record
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A visit from Grandma
Monday, August 22, 2011
A fish from above
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Congrats to the Musgroves!
A friend of our recently got married in an absolutely beautiful destination wedding in Colorado. She and her husband are the ultimate outdoors people. They went to Alaska for their honeymoon. Colorado was perfect. When they got back we all got to celebrate at a reception for them. Look at their cake toppers above. That's their little pug, Ronnie, in the middle. Leigh was a total trooper, even though he's still on crutches. Bless his heart. Jacquelyn and Josh were busy talking to all their guests, but we managed to snag a picture with them. From left, the lovely couple, my friend Paige and me. Hooray love!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Another use for the chair
Well, she's found another use for the little chair. She pushed the giant box of dog food across the kitchen and living room, stopping in front of her chair. Then she scoops out a little bit of dog food using a plastic lid that she found God knows where. Deter finds this too dangerous, but Skye is all in.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Skye Scratcher
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Artist at work
We got to take a short walk through the museum's main gallery. Mia's favorite part was climbing into an arm chair that was near the end. So much for the art. Then we went back to the classroom and did some finger-painting while listening to classic music. How cultured is that?
The art extravaganza went way better than my idea of taking her to an aerobics class last week. (Click here to read my column about that.) I'll write a column about this outing, too. I'm so lucky.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Coming full circle

He injured his ankle playing soccer. He damaged ligaments but didn't break his ankle. He won't need surgery, but he does have to wear a walking boot for the next month or so. No sports. No running around. And at least for now, no driving.
We'll go back in a week for a follow-up exam and maybe more x-rays if he doesn't get better. So, prayers for him are welcome. The Jacobs family streak of good luck was short-lived.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sea Lion Show of doom

Well, Mia was leery of all this jumping and swimming and splashing and barking.

But halfway through the show, she lightened up. She sat in our lap and watched the show. Even though she wasn't that excited about it, she was slightly interested.
Well, she was so relaxed, in fact, that she peed while I was holding her. The problem was that she was still wearing a swim diaper from playing in the spraygound earlier. Lessons learned: swim diapers must be changed immediately after swimming. They're already holding all the water they can hold.
Mia totally wet my pants. She peed all over my lap. I held her up, and she kept peeing. Afraid that we'd be given the boot out of the show (and the zoo), I put her back on my lap so there wouldn't be any pee in the stands.
It. Was. Horrible.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Miss Playground Bossy Pants
Then she apparently gave some kid the business from her perch atop one of the slides: "Do NOT make me come down there!" -
Friday, August 12, 2011
Play ball!
We got to see everything at the stadium, and we even got to go into the home dugout. Mia was way distracted by the groundskeepers, who were sweeping the dirt with giant brooms. You know she was loving that.
We also got to go out on the field! It was pretty neat. Our tour guide even gave Mia one of the team's warm-up baseballs. She accepted it but was then suspicious that the tour guide might take it back. Then she threw it. Then she demanded it back. Then she repeated that process several times. Then we had to go to our seats.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Cullen Jones
He came to Oklahoma City to promote a swimming program for children. Click here to read about it.
How awkward was I? Oh, it was bad. I forgot half my questions and I forgot to ask him some summary questions on video. Why was I such a mess? Because he was nearly naked. That's why. Props to all the female sports reporters who go into locker rooms. I couldn't do it. I need a little more modesty, please.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Rub-a-dub, no duck in the tub

Monday, August 8, 2011
The face of madness

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Fancy dress