Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Mia has been getting sicker the past few days, so we took her to see the doctor. The bad news: she has RSV, which means medicine and breathing treatments. The good news: she's old enough now that it isn't as dangerous as it would be for very little ones.

She was a peach at the doctor's office, and even practiced her math skills and multiplication tables using an abacus. I told her not to worry about studying for the SAT while she was feeling so bad, but she insisted.

More good news: she is her same delightful, sweet self. She just wants to cuddle more. Who can complain about that?


  1. It should be illegal to be that cute! Seriously though, I hope she feels better ASAP but continues to want to snuggle with Momma and Daddy. There is nothing better!

  2. awh, sorry to hear she was down for a bit. RSV is scary stuff.
