Saturday, November 14, 2009


It's crazy how someone so little can change the way you look at life. Things that used to be important don't seem as important anymore. Your worries and your focus are completely different than before that baby came into the world.

Work went from being something you did during the day to a way to provide for your child. The reliability of your paycheck became more important. If you have to go without, it's a hassle. If your child has to go without, it's a crisis.

Looking at day cares and sitters has really brought this to the forefront for me. Where she stays will come down to money, and that breaks my heart. I wish we could choose based on preference, not budget. But that's the reality for everybody, I'm sure.

We want to give Mia a good life, and we don't have to be rich to do that. But sometimes it's hard not to think about how much more we could give her with a little more money every month. I bet all parents think of that.

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