Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sea Lion Show of doom

We went to the zoo and had the chance to take Mia to one of the sea lion shows. She hasn't been before, but we thought for sure she would like it. I mean look at this. Who couldn't enjoy this?

Well, Mia was leery of all this jumping and swimming and splashing and barking.

But halfway through the show, she lightened up. She sat in our lap and watched the show. Even though she wasn't that excited about it, she was slightly interested.

Well, she was so relaxed, in fact, that she peed while I was holding her. The problem was that she was still wearing a swim diaper from playing in the spraygound earlier. Lessons learned: swim diapers must be changed immediately after swimming. They're already holding all the water they can hold.

Mia totally wet my pants. She peed all over my lap. I held her up, and she kept peeing. Afraid that we'd be given the boot out of the show (and the zoo), I put her back on my lap so there wouldn't be any pee in the stands.

It. Was. Horrible.

1 comment:

  1. Note to self: pack outfit for baby. And one for mama! (Those swimming diapers are evil!)
