Thursday, July 1, 2010

A knee of steel!

Surgery went even better than the doctor imagined. It turns out the MRI was wrong, which my doctor said happens about 15 percent of the time. My ACL wasn't torn, he said - it was only "really angry." I don't know what that means, but I'll take angry over torn. I had more cartilage tears that expected but he fixed those up. Long story short, my recovery will be much faster. And then - God willing! - I will make a return to softball, soccer, rowing and golf. Please, please, please!

I've been sleeping a bunch, and Mia has been hanging out with me on the couch. She has an ear infection, so we're both kind of taking it easy. Leigh has been a champ. He's been taking care of everybody and - as always - without a single hint of complaint. He's an awesome husband. My mom's in town, so that's been helpful. She's been providing the "awww"s necessary to keep Mia occupied while I've been down for the count.

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers and such. Mia and I appreciate them. We've been texting back as quickly as we can. I've been replying on my phone; Mia's using Leigh's. So sorry if there are some misspelled words in there. Give her a break. She's just a baby.

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