Friday, January 29, 2010

Laugh it up

I finally caught Mia's laugh on video. She started cracking up because I said "Das Mia!" I love it! Seeing her giggle makes me giggle.

Our power is still on, and we are so grateful. Leigh spotted a branch that was sagging onto one of the lines to the house and cut it down. Hopefully that will be it for dangers to the power between the company lines and our house.

I worked from home again today and Leigh came home early. Leigh was only one of three people in his entire office! He spent the day helping a friend, who was inundated with calls. I tried to balance watching Mia and working. I was able to get a lot done even though I had to take a few breaks to feed or change her. I interviewed a woman while Mia was napping, and only a few minutes in she woke up screaming. The woman was so nice and waited until I could get Mia her pacifier. We finished the interview, and I'm glad it was with someone so nice.

We are both glad to be finished for the weekend. Our plans include staying inside and praying the power stays on.

The snow is still falling on top of the half-inch layer of ice below. The dogs are loving the weather! Here's a video of them playing the back yard this morning:

Mia goes with me when I let the dogs outside, and she loves looking out at the snow. She's not even bothered when I open the door to let the dogs in or out. She just looks outside, engrossed with the weather. I'm glad she can see it. This winter has had the most snow of any winter since I've lived in Oklahoma.

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