OK, the pictures from Mia's glamorous photo shoot are online now if you want to see them. Here's how to see them:
- Click here.
- Email address: carrie.coppernoll@gmail.com.
- Password: Mia2009.
- Click "Claim a session."
- Session number: P10564R1101832.
- Password: 2WTRBZXRJ.
- Click on that album with Mia's little picture on it.
Ah. She's adorable. And she's floating on a furry cloud. We got the photo of her chewing my hand. The final version is the photo here but in black and white. It looks really neat.
For the record: those giant random flowers were not my idea at all. The photographer put them in there and snapped the picture before I had a minute to say, "Whoa, lady - that is some tacky junk!" I'm also not responsible for the picture that makes it look like angel's from heaven are singing down upon her. The photographer was a little odd. Just for a point of reference, she kept saying Mia's hair was dark red. I was like, "Ma'am, that's not genetically possible."
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