Saturday, October 31, 2009

One-Month Photos Online

OK, the pictures from Mia's glamorous photo shoot are online now if you want to see them. Here's how to see them:

  • Click here.
  • Email address:
  • Password: Mia2009.
  • Click "Claim a session."
  • Session number: P10564R1101832.
  • Password: 2WTRBZXRJ.
  • Click on that album with Mia's little picture on it.

Ah. She's adorable. And she's floating on a furry cloud. We got the photo of her chewing my hand. The final version is the photo here but in black and white. It looks really neat.

For the record: those giant random flowers were not my idea at all. The photographer put them in there and snapped the picture before I had a minute to say, "Whoa, lady - that is some tacky junk!" I'm also not responsible for the picture that makes it look like angel's from heaven are singing down upon her. The photographer was a little odd. Just for a point of reference, she kept saying Mia's hair was dark red. I was like, "Ma'am, that's not genetically possible."

Friday, October 30, 2009

First bath alone with POPS

So all parties survived. I bopped Mia in the head only one time with the cup of water. So I say that should be counted as a great success.

She Blinked

OK, Mia didn't really blink. She never opened her eyes. It was like one big long blink. Today I took her to Walmart to have her picture made. I fed her right before I left because I heard that the combination of a full belly and a car ride yields a sleepy baby just in time for photos. She slept peacefully the whole time.

This was my first time to take her in somewhere (besides the doctor's office) without Leigh. We both had our fingers crossed for no poop and no inconsolable crying. She didn't do either. She was a complete angel, and I can't wait for the pictures to come back in a couple weeks! I'll post the link to the proofs as soon as we get it.

And on a side note, Mia is one month old today! Well, she's one month old according to me. According to Leigh, she was one month old Wednesday. (Wednesday was four weeks. Today is Oct. 30.) We will compromise and say she was one month old yesterday. Either way, Mia celebrated her milestone by pooping, crying and eating a lot.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Show that Ladybug Who's Boss!

This is one of those things that is immensely interesting to parents but boring to everybody else. But today, Mia took a swing at something for the first time!

She was crying and inconsolable this afternoon, so I put her down in her crib and gave her a binky. She stop crying and looked up, noticing the mobile that's hung there since she arrived home. She stared at it forever, so I pulled it down and shook it a little in front of her. Then she started to try to hit it. I don't think as a rule we'll condone violence as a family, but in this case it was an exception. Now if she had pushed the ladybug for its lunch money, that would have been a different story.

It was so exciting! I ran and got the camera:

So thank you, Michelle Kelley, for the awesome ladybug mobile! :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fat and Happy

Mia finally gained some weight. She tipped the scales at 7 pounds flat today at the doctor's office. She's huge. And by huge I mean tiny. Thankfully she's less tiny than last week, when she was still her birth weight after three weeks of growing. For the past week she's been eating formula along with breast milk, and the pediatrician gave the A-OK to switch back to only breast milk. It was exciting! Other than that, the doctor said she's totally healthy and growing well.

Our pediatrician is the nicest man ever, and his staff is wonderful. While we were waiting, one of the nurses moved us from the general waiting room to a small one outside their x-ray room so we could be away from germy people. So nice. And after our appointment, Mia was a little fussy. Dr. Schrader asked me if I wanted to stay and nurse her in the room we were in. Few doctors would give up a room like that after the appointment was over. I am so happy he is our doctor. He's absolutely outstanding.

We took our first trip to visit one of Mia's contemporaries today. She got a chance to hang out with Mark and Julie, and I got the chance to hold Samuel Wheeler. He was born Oct. 10, and Julie lovingly describes him and Mia as litter mates. Sam - a totally normal-sized baby - was HUGE. Huge and precious. It was nice to finally see him (and to talk to adults outside the house). And Sam and Mia had a competition to see who could pass the most gas. Sam won.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hating the Wind

It was really nice out today, so the three of us went out to Lake Hefner to get some fresh air. The weather was a little chilly and windy toward the end of our walk, and the wind blew Mia's blanket off her face a bit. Turns out, she was super offended.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


And now for some cute pictures of Mia with Jill and curled up with a blanket made by one of my friend's moms. So sweet!

Thursday, October 1, 2009